
IAPMR Membership


1. For Post-graduate Trainee Membership:

  • After receipt of online post graduate membership request, after the document verification; the primary approval shall be granted within a week.
  • After verification of payment details, a confirmatory email shall be sent regarding primary approval along with a temporary registration number.
  • The final approval and permanent membership number shall be done after the annual general body meeting of IAPMR.

2. For IAPMR Life Membership:

  • After receipt of online Life membership request, after the document verification the primary approval shall be granted within a week.
  • If you are a PGT member, please mention PGT membership number along with the year in which membership is granted.
  • After verification of payment details, a confirmatory email shall be sent regarding primary approval along with a temporary registration number.
  • The final approval and permanent membership number shall be done after the annual general body meeting of IAPMR.
  • *For any queries/information, kindly contact us at [email protected]

Date of Birth:

# Post held Institution From To


MBBS degree*:

State/MCI registration certificate*:

Bonafide certificate from HOD*:

Fees structure:
PGT membership: 3000 INR (Three thousand rupees)
Life membership:
If you are already a IAPMR PGT member : INR 3500(Three thousand five hundred. PGT number must be written in application form).
If you are not a IAPMR PGT member: INR 6500- six thousand five hundred.

Transaction ID * :

Transaction Amount * :

Date of Transaction * :

Transaction Screenshot * :

Declaration *
1. I certify that the statements filled by me in this application form are correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree to abide by the rules and by-laws of the IAPMR which have been read by me. It is hereby requested that my name may kindly be registered as Life Member / PGT Member of the IAPMR.
2. In case of rejection of membership by 'membership committee', the payment shall be refunded after due verification from IAPMR side.